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The bosses should be ashamed of themselves.  On Tuesday, they made this fantastic cinnamon-raisin bread.  They ate some, shared a few crumbs and put it away for the rest of the day.  They ate some more on Wednesday for breakfast (and shared a few small crumbs) and still had some left over.  Today the boss man decided he had better finish it off but he decided that the last slice was stale and THREW IT AWAY!  As if I would have cared.

It was then shortly after exercise time and the boss man decided to go to the recycle center while the boss ma'am cleaned up.  When he left the garbage door open a crack I knew right away that he felt bad about throwing away that last piece of bread so as soon as I heard the garage door close, I sprang into action.  Of course, being a short-ish dog, I couldn't just reach in and grab the piece of bread but I am very crafty and persistent and had my bread in no time at all.  I'm sure that it goes without saying that I had to be exceedingly quite because I didn't want to end up in a situation where I had to share my hard earned with the houndies.  I'm sure they wouldn't have liked it anyway.

Soon enough, the boss ma'am emerged from the shower and celebrated my accomplishment with me.  I knew she was proud of her Spring when she shooed away Lyle and got her camera to document my achievement. 

A step stool would have been handy.













Unfortunately, there wasn't anything else good in the bag.  :(













 He is jealous that he never thought of helping himself to the good eats stored in the white bags.













 Heck yeah I'd do it again!