Spring Training

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Well, Spring training started this week and I don't know that I'm fully on board. I already knew how to walk on a leash just fine!

When I signed on to this franchise I was under the impression that the bosses were looking for a spirited, free thinking dog. Lyle told me that he's had no formal education. And the stories that I've heard about Little Bit, well, let's just say that she has my utmost respect.

So anyway, just as I start to think that I've got the bosses wrapped around my dewclaw, Spring training begins and as far as I can tell, it is just a grab for dominance. The first week doesn't even call for any treats but consisted of teaching to bosses to compel me to sit, stand, lay down and heel. Next week promises to be better because they are supposed to bring my favorite treat to reward me. All I can say is that all of those other dogs (and there are a lot) are sure going to be jealous when the bosses whip out those Butter Burgers! The only problem is that the floor might get a little slick from all of the drool.

One week down (almost), seven to go. I just hope they don't get any bright ideas about making me into a Canine Good Citizen. To borrow from one of my favorite musicians, "If I were the dog that they wanted, I would not be the dog that I am."

(With my apologies to Lyle Lovett)

Now I have to stay put when told