I'm sure you all know, the bosses love me best.
noticed that I was getting really hot after my dog walks and thought I'd like a
pool. Now having noticed that I have a certain fondness for wallowing in
shallow puddles on hot days, it would seem that they thought I'd naturally enjoy
laying in a shallow pool of water when I'm hot. Of course, they were right
but that didn't stop them from "introducing me to the pool" when it was empty.
As you can imagine, an empty pool sitting in the family room isn't really fun.
In fact, it is kind of like obedience training. I can sit and stay with
the best of them and I didn't see that being inside of the pool was any
So then they decided it was time to try it out for real. I had just
come back from a nice walk and boy, was I hot. The boss man filled the
pool with a couple of inches of water and it was great!
got my hot belly wet and I cooled down in a hurry. Well, at least as fast
as I could given that it was hot outside.
Then the trouble started. As you might imagine, Lyle saw me enjoying
myself and thought that he should naturally have access to anything that I have.
I really should have foreseen this development but Lyle got right in there with
me. Now, one of the great things about my pool is that when I get thirsty,
I just lower my head an inch or two and
away. Spring tea is very enjoyable. Lyle tea is not. I'm not
sure exactly what to do about this new development.
Well, it's walk time so I've got to run. Have a great day!