So today
I was reminded why I love my pack. Sure, I could go on and on about
all of the little reasons but to keep it short and sweet, they buy me cake.
Banana pecan cake with cream cheese frosting surrounded by biscuits, specifically.
And, naturally, as a dog, I love cake, hence, I love my pack.
So, as I've been telling everyone who will listen, today is the celebration of my birthday. And what a day it has been.
First, the boss ma'am worked late into the night yesterday just so she could have the day off to spend with me today. Of course, having had her up late last night did have its drawbacks. For instance, as I was sitting on her lap at breakfast (what - where else would I sit?), she spilled milk on my neck. It was cold and left a sticky spot, but hey, I'm not one to cry over spilt milk.
Then we waited until the morning fog lifted until it was a beautiful 65 degree sunny day (on its way to 75!) before we went for a lovely walk. I sniffed the sniffs. Barked the barks. You know, the usual. But today the flowers opened up for me as their way of saying happy birthday (since they of course, can't say it or write it out for me).
Then the lone cloud in my otherwise beautiful day, they locked me up while they went running. It might just have been the longest 80 minutes of my life!
But then they were home again and all was well. We spent some time in the back yard before going to the For the Love of Dogs Bakery to pick out my birthday cake. Again, mmm, banana pecan cake with cream cheese frosting. By then it was dinner time so we went to Qdoba where the bosses enjoyed their burritos on the patio so they could share with me and Lyle. What more could a dog ask for?
I am one lucky dog.
Happy Spring!