Helping the Homeless

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I'm borrowing a page from Maebe.  You probably know that sometimes she talks a bit about a homeless animal that the boss man photographed.  Talks about the importance of animal adoption.  Today I am going to write about "Sup."  Sup doesn't actually have a name at the shelter but I'm sure you dogs will all agree that it's fitting.  Sup has been looking for a home for a couple of weeks now.  I told the boss man that I'd be delighted to open my home and in fact, I'd even share my crate with Sup.  He didn't seem to think it was a good idea though and sadly, Sup is still in a cage at the humane society. 

So, maybe some of my friends will have a good home they can share.  If so, let me know and I'll make sure the boss man forwards Sup's info.

Aw, isn't he/she delicious (wait, scratch that) cute looking?