So I have to say that I imagined that there would be fireworks, cake and ice cream. I did get a "jackpot" of treats after the exam but I thought at the very least there would be a trip to DQ on the way home. But it seems that earning an AKC Canine Good Citizen certificate means that now the boss man can buy me special patches and ID tags and that it doesn't automatically come with a big celebratory sundae. Maybe that comes today.
Lyle of course had his doubts that I'd pull it off but I was confident in my training. Also, I knew that Trainer Krystal wouldn't actually make me walk on a short leash next to the ferrets or the kittens up for adoption even though she joked about it in our last class. The bosses were so proud of me that they got me the best gift ever. . . more training! They signed me up for a "Tricks" class and even though I missed the first week, Trainer Krystal thinks that I won't have any trouble catching up. It is largely a clicker class which means that there will be a TON of treats because as we all know, Clicker = Treats. Unlike the CGC class, this one has practical applications. Being a CGC might initially get me some "we are proud of you rewards" but learning new tricks to amuse the bosses will give me new tools in my arsenal to beg with at dinner time. It's just a matter of time before I reach my goal weight of 50 pounds!