The boss man has been spending a LOT of time in the basement lately making it dusty and smell bad. He said that the drywall and paint would make it look better and brighter but I didn't care as long as it kept me from posing with those hats that Skye so cunningly shipped off to me, Lyle and Maebe. She claims to be a Catahoula mix and after a sly move like that, I have to guess she is part fox too. Clever girl.
So anyway, I had to guess that it would all come to an end eventually. Yesterday was the day that he started putting his studio back together. Oh the horror! Poor Mr. Loo took the brunt of the torture but I guess it only stands to reason since he is as big as me and Maebe combined. Maebe barely pulled her share of the weight. We can all only hope that his semester starts soon and that he goes back to playing with humane society animals!